Land Trusts to Support
"Sequoia Riverlands Trust (SRT) is a regional nonprofit land trust dedicated to strengthening California's heartland and the natural and agricultural legacy of the southern Sierra Nevada and San Joaquin Valley. The wealth, productivity and beauty of this land inspire our work to conserve it for the prosperity and enjoyment of future generations."
"To create communities that explore ways of living which meet the human needs for shelter, food, energy, livelihood, and social connectedness while supporting the long-term health and viability of Earth and all its inhabitants.""
"Eastern Sierra Land Trust works with willing landowners to protect vital lands in the Eastern Sierra region for their scenic, agricultural, natural, recreational, historical, and watershed values."
"North Coast Land Conservancy has been working since 1986 to conserve and connect the landscape of the Oregon Coast from the Columbia River to northern Lincoln County by acquiring or otherwise managing lands for their habitat value. With a portfolio of more than 50 fee-title properties in addition to more than a dozen conservation easements, NCLC has completed more fee acquisitions in Oregon than any other local land trust, ranking it alongside The Nature Conservancy and The Trust for Public Lands for statewide conservation impact. The nationally accredited private, non-profit land trust works to ensure that this extraordinary region is a place where healthy communities of people, plants and wildlife can all thrive."
"Mojave Desert Land Trust protects the Mojave Desert ecosystem and its scenic and cultural resource values."
"It’s beautiful here. But our lakes, rivers, meadows, and foothills are more than just scenery — they’re also a valuable resource, providing the area with quality water, recreation, and a vital connection to nature. The Chelan-Douglas Land Trust works with private landowners, businesses, and local communities to ensure that we will be able to enjoy the benefit of our cherished natural areas for years to come."
"Conserving land for wildlife, scenic views, and local communities."
"Columbia Land Trust conserves and cares for the Northwest places you love—the places that provide all of us well-being and an unrivaled quality of life."
"The Cascade Forest Conservancy protects and sustains forests, streams, wildlife, and communities in the heart of the Cascades through conservation, education, and advocacy."
"Our vision is a future based on conservation, restoration, recovery and connectivity.
Accomplishing this will enhance the status of the Carrizo Plain as a wildlife area of international importance and capitalize on recently acquired conservation lands and past conservation investments.
Cooperative efforts will ensure successful habitat restoration and expansion of conserved lands to fill in the gaps between protected lands, making the Carrizo the focal point of the 2.5 million acres of surrounding conserved lands. For these newly conserved lands to achieve their maximum value their linkages to surrounding conserved lands must be strengthened and expanded.
The Carrizo as macro landscape means looking at conservation at landscape scale and working out how to keep the whole Carrizo Plain intact for wildlife and connected to the surroundings."
"The Sacramento Valley Conservancy’s mission is to preserve the beauty, character and biodiversity of the Sacramento Valley landscape by protecting and stewarding natural and working lands, and scenic open spaces for the benefit of current and future generations."
"Nevada Land Trust creates community-based conservation solutions, like founding the Washoe Valley Working Group to bring stakeholders together to protect the Old Winters Ranch in Washoe Valley, and co-founding One Truckee River with our friends at KTMB to raise the level of connection and protection along the Truckee River in Nevada. We serve as a common-sense voice for Nevada conservation at the local, state and federal level. Our volunteer Board of Trustees and expert staff assess each potential project based on the values that merit protection and other critical factors."
"We protect and restore the Tuolumne River watershed for present and future generations. We do this through three key program areas: education, advocacy, and restoration."
"The mission of the Kings River Conservancy is to foster community involvement in protecting and enhancing environmental values, to enhance and control public access for recreation, to educate the public on matters related to environmental values, to preserve agricultural lands and to encourage sound public conservation practices along the Kings River corridor from Pine Flat Dam to Highway 99."
"The San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust's mission is to preserve and restore San Joaquin River lands of ecological, scenic or historic significance, to educate the public on the need for stewardship, to research issues affecting the river, and to promote educational, recreational and agricultural uses of the river bottom consistent with the protection of the river’s resources."
"We work to protect and promote the Mojave National Preserve and build a community dedicated to the stewardship of its natural and cultural treasures."